Welcome to Greenfield Grazing

Agriculture and animal science have been life long interests. Although I do not have a farm background, I had the good fortune to participate in the 4-H Club Program where I learned about raising sheep. In 2018 we left the city to start a farm, Greenfield Grazing.
Lamb is an under- appreciated, under- used food in the United States. We would like to provide local customers with healthful, high quality lamb from humanely raised animals. We chose the Royal White® breed, one of the newest breeds in the United States, because it was specifically developed for pasture based (rather than feed lot) production. The breed has potential for success in a changing environment.
- Emily, Founder of Greenfield Grazing
Jim, Emily's husband, is involved in many farm projects. The most challenging is learning to grow fruit trees successfully. He has created a beautiful perennial flower border around the vegetable garden which helps attract beneficial insects. He harvests hops from his 4 plants to give to his beer-making friends. Jim has a knack for getting along with sheep and provides invaluable assistance with vaccinating, de-worming, and lambing.

What's the Daily Routine of our Sheep?
During the grass growing season the sheep spend their days and nights on pasture. They graze in short sessions mostly in early morning and evening totaling about eight hours. They spend the rest of their time ruminating ("chewing the cud") and sleeping. What a tough life! In Winter, the sheep spend their time in the barn and barnyard eating hay. The ewes are pregnant and grow continually larger until they give birth in the Spring.
The sheep eat a wide variety of pasture plants, from grasses to legumes like red clover, to other herbaceous plants like chicory and plantain, to woody browse like Autumn Olive. Favorite foods are apple tree prunings and apple drops. We supplement forage with whole grains and free-choice minerals. They drink from 1/2 to 5 gallons of water per day.
Come visit Us!
We are by appointment only! Please email us at greenfieldgrazing@gmail.com or call us at 269-697-0063